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Trust. It’s just a few letters, but… Trust, is a big deal. And when it comes to creating intimate, personal, unique boudoir photographs, it becomes a very big deal. It’s more important than the perfect make-up, hair style, or clothing. Trust, makes or breaks the session. It’s why I meet with all my clients before […]

Boudoir Photography

Ana May : Fine Art Boudoir Session


Down a winding gravel road, through waving green and gold grass, a magical oasis sits. Tucked away in a lush valley with rolling foothills as its neighbors to the East. It’s called The White Ranch, but for the lucky few, it’s a place where couples pledge forever. It’s the type of place that I wished I called home. For Brett and […]

Wedding Photos

Brett & Ashley’s Rustic Chic California Ranch Wedding

fine art boudoir photographer

I just adore this woman. She’s an artist. And one of the wittiest people I’ve ever met. In between me, ‘oohh-ing and ahh-ing’ over her paintings and her library of classic and contemporary literature, we were rolling in laughter. I got to add some new words into my vocabulary thanks to K. Like…Hangry, which means […]

Boudoir Photography

Fine Art Boudoir – Ms. K

Alternative Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir photography for me is about going beyond the typical. And the same goes for my clients. They are looking to go beyond traditional, cookie-cutter, pin-up type boudoir. So, together we craft an overall style and theme. Make pinterest boards, pick out wardrobe and find the perfect location. It’s fully styled from start to finish. […]

Boudoir Photography

Chico, Ca Boudoir Photography

Montana Destination Wedding photographer

True love will find you. No matter how far. No matter what you are doing in your life. Or if you were even looking in the first place. It does. Not. Wait. And it hits like a freight train. Just ask Jenny and Mark. Of true love finding you across great distance. Mark a farmer […]

Wedding Photos

Ten Arrows Ranch Wedding Montana


ABOUT Shannon



Photographing your moments in Northern California

HI, I'M Shannon




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