I met Lucy, Barbara’s red haired poodle at the door, happily barking and announcing my arrival. Barbara then invited me into her home. A home that overflowed with books, art and warmth. We started talking and immediately I was taken in by her intelligence, sense of humor, love for food and passion for enjoying life. […]
Yesterday, I felt like I had a touch of OCD as I obsessively checked the hour-by-hour status for the weather, as if looking out the window wasn’t enough every five minutes. We have had to reschedule several times due to bad weather and I was not letting that happen again. After doing much begging and […]
Back in February I got an email from the art director of Beverage World asking me if I would be interested in shooting the cover story for their March issue. Um, yes! The assignment was to shoot Ken Grossman of Sierra Nevada Brewery in recognition of their 30th Anniversary. It was an honor to meet […]
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