Long before I pick up my camera for an engagement session, I spend time getting to know my clients. It’s where I begin to craft a session unique to them. Because your engagement session should be more than ‘pretty pictures,’ it should be – personal. A reflection of your love. What is important to you, whether […]
Somebody pinch me! I must be dreaming as this San Francisco City Hall engagement was out of this world! Jacy and Tyler were looking for a modern, stylish session that featured their love and the city they call home. We started off at the insanely beautiful City Hall, strolling through the ornate and gorgeous architecture. […]
Sheena and Kermit have the kind of love that is quiet but so so powerful. It leaps out of the images captured. That amazing intangible quality of true love. It doesn’t take being around these two for very long to realize that they are meant to be together for all time. With their families they celebrated, […]
I JUST LOVE THESE TWO PEOPLE! I feel like a great aunt sometimes around Brett and Brandon Foken, I constantly tell them how adorable they are and it takes every ounce of will not to pinch their cheeks, like a great aunt would. Because really they are Foken awesome. See what I did there? Actually I’m […]
“Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic.” – Frida Kahlo Magic indeed. This shoot was nothing short of magical. Every little detail was thought out with so much passion, love and joy. Everyone involved put some crazy brain power into creating unique artfully crafted items. And to see it PUBLISHED on […]
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