San Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography | Jacy + Tyler

Somebody pinch me! I must be dreaming as this San Francisco City Hall engagement was out of this world! Jacy and Tyler were looking for a modern, stylish session that featured their love and the city they call home. We started off at the insanely beautiful City Hall, strolling through the ornate and gorgeous architecture. Jacy and I were both like, can we have this be our house?

Dream big riiiiight?

From there we went over to their neighborhood, dodging cable cars, and strutting down the street where our laughter echoed off the buildings. It was nothing short of a perfect afternoon in San Francisco.

San Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco City Hall Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comSan Francisco Engagement Photography by Shannon Rosan - rosanweddings.comJacy + Tyler,

It was an honor creating your engagement photos. You guys are sweet, charming, hilarious and I wish I didn’t live so far away so we could hang!

Much love,


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Photographing your moments in Northern California

HI, I'M Shannon
