Sierra Nevada and Beverage World Magazine

Back in February I got an email from the art director of Beverage World asking me if I would be interested in shooting the cover story for their March issue.  Um, yes! The assignment was to shoot Ken Grossman of Sierra Nevada Brewery in recognition of their 30th Anniversary. It was an honor to meet Ken and to take a tour behind the scenes.

In between February and now I kept the whole thing under wraps as I wanted to surprise my Grandfather who is a huge Sierra Nevada fan. On Monday I drove down to my grandparents home and placed the magazine in his hands.

Grandma and Grandpa

Comments +

  1. Queen Q says:

    cool. Cool. COOL!!!!!!!

  2. Haley says:

    Shannon is making her way into magazines. Watch out world!

  3. CaseyK says:

    They are adorable!
    Im sure they are very proud of you. Great work!

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Photographing your moments in Northern California

HI, I'M Shannon
