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Boston Terriers

Happy National Puppy Day!! Which gives me an excuse to blog about my two fave pups – Sammie and Olive. Sammie is 8 and half fox terrier/boston terrier. Olive is 7 year old Boston Terrier. Both of which have a crazy amount of energy for their ages and are hilarious. One not so fun update is […]

Sammie & Olive

Sammie + Olive

Behind the scenes of Wedding Photographer

Today I am so excited to share all the behind the scenes moments from this year. It’s by far my fave blog post of the year! I am beyond lucky to have worked with so many amazing clients, second shooters, and vendors. This wonderful job of mine has allowed me to travel, meet new people […]

my life

Behind the Scenes 2017

Presidio Cafe wedding | San Francisco | Shannon Rosan -

Jackie and Mac are the type of people that you can’t help, but smile when you’re around them. In fact it was a rare moment if they weren’t smiling. They are truly sweet people and their wedding was a reflection of that sweet love they share. We started off their day getting ready at The […]

Wedding Photos

Presidio Cafe Wedding San Francisco | Jackie + Mac

Deer Park Wedding | San Francisco Wedding | Shannon Rosan Photography -

I don’t think I stopped saying, ‘OHMGOSH YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!’ and ‘WOW, this venue is to die for.’ Because Deer Park Villa Wedding are always so stunning! Oh and laughing, because Zahabiya and Chris couldn’t have been any more hilarious and fun. And seeing them fully, deeply enjoying every moment through their wedding day was magic. […]

Featured Wedding, Wedding Photos

Deer Park Villa Wedding | San Francisco Wedding | Zahabiya + Chris

Bella Luna Farm Wedding

Hold on to your seats for Scott and Morgan’s Bella Luna Farm wedding in gorgeous Snohomish, Washington. Snohomish features classic Washington scenery with a landscape of green, gorgeous dense forrest. Perfect for a destination wedding in the Pacific North West. All the feels are loaded into this blog post. Moment after moment. From tears to twerking […]

Featured Wedding, Wedding Photos

Bella Luna Farm Wedding | Scott + Morgan


ABOUT Shannon



Photographing your moments in Northern California

HI, I'M Shannon




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