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Wedding Photos

I JUST LOVE THESE TWO PEOPLE! I feel like a great aunt sometimes around Brett and Brandon Foken, I constantly tell them how adorable they are and it takes every ounce of will not to pinch their cheeks, like a great aunt would. Because really they are Foken awesome. See what I did there? Actually I’m […]

Featured Wedding, Wedding Photos

Deer Park Villa Wedding | Brett + Brandon

Deer Park Villa Wedding - Shannon Rosan Photography -

“Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic.” – Frida Kahlo Magic indeed. This shoot was nothing short of magical. Every little detail was thought out with so much passion, love and joy. Everyone involved put some crazy brain power into creating unique artfully crafted items. And to see it PUBLISHED on […]

Wedding Photos

Frida Kahlo inspired LBGT wedding inspiration

Wedding Photography by Shannon Rosan - - #lesbianwedding #lesbian #bride #wedding #weddingphotos

Cassi is vivacious, incredibly caring and has THE best sense of humor. And I could not stop telling her how beautiful she is, I mean, still, Cassi you’re all things adorable. Rory is compassionate and kind and gives so much to others. Just the salt of the Earth kinda guy. Not to mention their families, their amazing […]

Wedding Photos

Shaffer Ranch Wedding Chico | Cassi & Rory

Shaffer Ranch Wedding - Chico Ca - Shannon Rosan Wedding Photography

Somebody pinch me! I feel like I am dreaming 🙂 I am so very honored and excited that the hard work and creative ideas of our team – Chico Wedding Collective – have been PUBLISHED in RUFFLED!! This all started with the very sweet and talented Jennifer Rodriguez of Eco Peach Events, contacting me back […]

Wedding Photos

Eco Friendly California Wedding with Marsala | Published in Ruffled!

Chico Wedding Photographer Shannon Rosan

Today on the blog I’m excited to feature Pam Young from Cambray Rose. Pam is a floral designer located in Chico, Ca with over 14 years of experience. Her work has been featured in top wedding blogs like Style Me Pretty, soon) and Rustic Wedding Chic, just to name a few. Pam is one […]

Wedding Photos

Fabulous Florals | Interview with Pam from Cambray Rose

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ABOUT Shannon



Photographing your moments in Northern California

HI, I'M Shannon




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