The Chikoko fashion show is unlike any fashion show out there. And this year I FINALLY (as typically that weekend I am booked out for weddings) got to be a part of it by doing behind the scenes photos and covering the event. It was so much fun being witness to the whirlwind that is putting on such a big event like this.
Chikoko is an amazing group of 5 designers who work for an entire year to put on this event for the community. It’s a labor of love…of passion…a coming together of creative minds to create such a unique event.
‘Founded in 2005, as a multi-discipline design house, Chikoko has embraced innovation, creativity and community support as a vision of new business. The group presents several events annually including a Bizarre Bazaar, Variety Show, avant garde performances and a large fashion event.’
This years theme was, Neotropolis and featured 4 lines of fashion inspired by different aspects of the ‘new city.’ The host for the evening was the ghost of Annie Bidwell, leading us through the event act by act. In between the fashion were dance performances that definitely rocked the house and a trapeze act that was mesmerizing.
Be sure to mark your calendar for next Octobers Chikoko fashion show as it will be their 10th anniversary and should not be missed!!