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Fashion Photography San Francisco by Shannon Rosan 16

Salt filled hair. Banyon trees and fringe-y dress. Lost deep within the jungle of Maui. And found in the Iao Valley. Where warriors of the ancients gave their lives. We wandered. A very special thank you to… Model & Fashion Designer – Salt on the Rocks  You  breathed so much life into the shoot. And […]

Commerical Photography

Fashion Photography San Francisco

Patrick's Ranch Wedding Chico, Ca 14

Ohmygosh. I just LOVE Chelsey and Stephen. I just had to start with that 🙂 Because they are ridiculously cute, funny, head-over-heels in love. Best friends and partners in crime. Photographer and filmmaker duo. And to quote Chelsey in describing their personalities and their love for one another – Super.Crazy.Awesome. And that fits them perfectly. […]

Wedding Photos

Patrick’s Ranch Wedding Chico : Chelsey & Stephen

California Engagement Session

Stephen and Chelsey are unbelievably adorable. Sunshine, rainbows and unicorns kind of adorable. First of all they are incredibly kind hearted people. Cheerful and sweet. And they are both creatives. Together they run their photography and videography business – Tre Creative. Stephen handles the video side, while Chelsey the photography. In creating their engagement session I […]

Engagement Sessions

Chico Engagement Photography : Chelsey & Stephen

Chikoko Fashion Show 12

Last Thursday the talented ladies of Chikoko put together an incredible fashion show for Fifth Sun. Fifth Sun has apparel licenses for Angry Birds, Star Wars, and Warner Bros, just to name a few. With these licenses they design fun clothing that can be found across the nation at retailers like Target and Forever21 for […]

Commerical Photography, my life

Chikoko Fashion Show at Fifth Sun

White Ranch Chico Wedding 15

Nestled between softly rolling hills and plentiful orchards sits The White Ranch. The White Ranch quite possibly is the definition of charming California ranch. And true to California it was a sunny, unbelievably perfect Fall day. It was all things sweet and charming just like the two people who were married on that day – […]

Wedding Photos

White Ranch Chico Wedding : Ann-Chi & Anthony


ABOUT Shannon



Photographing your moments in Northern California

HI, I'M Shannon




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